
Emmet joined our family in September 2014. He originally was a foster, but we fell in love and it quickly became obvious he was meant to be a part of our family. Within a few weeks we began to see some behaviors that we were not expecting. All of a sudden Emmet began breaking out of his crate, then he went so far as to escape the house by breaking out of windows. Not really sure what to do, we stopped leaving him alone. This worked for awhile, however this was not something that we could always do. Next came issues on leash. Emmet pulled, and as a strong dog this made going for walks extremely difficult. Then he started getting extremely vocal and lunging whenever we came across dogs he didn’t know. Having people over to our house was difficult, and honestly embarrassing because Emmet had no idea how to handle this.

I began searching for a dog trainer and quickly followed the amazing reviews to No Monkey Business. One phone call with Helen and I knew this was the place to start with Emmet. I was extremely nervous to begin training as I was unsure of how Emmet would react, however as soon as we started training, this nervousness was gone. Our Level 1 class was just as much about me learning how to be a good dog mom as it was about training Emmet. I was taught how to work with Emmet to bring about the behaviors that we both wanted. We progressed on to Level 2 where we continued to grow as a team, even exploring downtown Concord and The Steeplegate Mall. My dog, the one who couldn’t go on a 5 minute walk without dragging me as no at someone or something, walked around the mall practicing his skills like it was no big deal at all.

I can honestly say that No Monkey Business has brought about so much change for my entire family! We’ve been able to bring Emmet camping, to a local farm, and just about anywhere else we want to go as a family. Family members and friends are amazed to see how far he has come, and Emmet happily greets all visitors to our home with just as much energy as before, only with the proper manners. Not only can Emmet walk on a leash now, but now I can also trust that he can be off leash and will stay with me in the right setting.

Thank you Helen and No Monkey Business for all you have done for Emmet and for my family as a whole!!! My highest praise and recommendations go out to you!